2022 Community Impact Appreciation Awards

The Community Impact Appreciation Awards honor Lynchburg businesses and organizations that are making a tangible, measurable impact on their communities. That impact might be the

The Community Impact Appreciation Awards honor Lynchburg businesses and organizations that are making a tangible, measurable impact on their communities. That impact might be the result of any number of activities including job creation, workforce development programs, volunteer efforts, or innovative business models that promote a healthy work environment.

The deadline to nominate is July 29.
Nominations will be judged by a team of experts and leaders. Selected honorees will be featured in the November/December 2022 issue of Lynchburg Living Magazine.

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These awards are exclusive to for-profit businesses. If you would like to nominate a nonprofit, you may do so in the Giving Back Awards.

Important Note Regarding Multiple Nominations for a Single Organization
The Giving Back Awards review committee is looking for a single strong nomination for each organization, one that provides a well expressed mission, relevant details and specific examples of how that organization impacts our greater Lynchburg community in a positive way. Submitting multiple nomination forms from different individuals for the same organization does not improve that organization’s chances of being selected.

Nominate a business below. 


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