The Buzz March/April 2017

Behind the Scenes Photographer RJ Goodwin uses two cameras on many photo shoots, such as our Local Flavor profile that involved a variety of shots.

Behind the Scenes
Photographer RJ Goodwin uses two cameras on many photo shoots, such as our Local Flavor profile that involved a variety of shots. One camera has a wide-angle lens. The other is better for those close-up details of ingredients and food.
Check out this issue’s Local Flavor recipe on page 100.

“I buy things because I like them, not because of their supposed value or because they’re considered antiques.
I like old things with a history…” – Peg Breiholz owner of
The White Brick House in Forest.
Read about her farmhouse style on page 66!

Lauren Ferry shared her love for Downtown Lynchburg on Instagram.
She wrote, “I truly love this street. I love this town. I love our loft…” We love that you love your downtown life, Lauren. Thanks for sharing!
Include the hashtag #lynchburgliving on your posts and your photo may be featured in an upcoming issue!


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