Editor’s Letter Jan/Feb 2018

My favorite part about winter? When it’s over.” A friend of mine posted this meme on Facebook the other day and I immediately clicked “like.”

My favorite part about winter? When it’s over.”

A friend of mine posted this meme on Facebook the other day and I immediately clicked “like.” I have perpetually cold hands, hate wearing bulky sweaters and could live a long, successful life without seeing another flake of snow. (Note: As I sit writing this letter at my kitchen island, I’m wearing calf-high fuzzy slippers and have a blanket wrapped around my shoulders.)

I know I have plenty of company—those of you who are over winter before it even starts. And then the rest of you probably fall into a category similar to this: you’re really gung-ho about the cold and snow at first but by mid-January… bring on those spring breezes already!

Let’s all try to get through this together, folks. I have just the magazine to help.

When you’re stuck inside avoiding the arctic blast, there is no better time to stew on some new dinner ideas. Literally. We are teaching you how to “Do the Stew” in our Taste department with a few pointers that will bring you slow cooking success. This includes a recipe for a Simple Beef Stew that is cost effective, warm and fulfilling, and can feed your family for a couple of days (as long as you put in a little time and energy).

Another indoor cold weather activity that is also productive? Decluttering and simplifying your home. Local interior designer Selena Campbell is an expert and admits that she used to have way too much extra stuff sitting around herself. Get her advice on where to start and see the inside of her beautiful home that has the most mellow, calming vibes.

Heading to Virginia Beach in January or February may not seem like that much of a party. But this time of the year is actually the best season for an incredible excursion off the coast—whale watching. In our Travel department, we have a firsthand experience of what it’s like to go out searching for these incredible animals with the Virginia Aquarium.

Of course, we also can’t forget the bread and butter of this issue—our 2018 Best Of Lynchburg results. Kick back next to the fire and flip through to see who was voted Gold, Silver, Bronze and Honorable Mention in dozens of categories—businesses, restaurants, events… you name it. We counted a whopping 136,000 votes on our website (lynchburgliving.com) this year!

To close, I apologize for my negative attitude about winter. Now that I think about it and have a little bit more of a positive outlook, there is one good thing about it…
Winter really makes me appreciate the other three seasons that much more!

Stay warm,

Shelley Basinger, Managing Editor


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