Editor’s Letter May/June 2017

Over the past eight months, I have really enjoyed watching my daughter as she experiences everything for the first time. From the confused look on

Over the past eight months, I have really enjoyed watching my daughter as she experiences everything for the first time. From the confused look on her face when we sat her down in her first bath to the way she giggled the first time we put her into her Bumbo seat—I’ve loved all of it. But one of my favorite parts has been watching her eat “real” food. Sometimes, she clearly does NOT like what we are shoveling into her tiny mouth. But I remember when we gave her peas and carrots…her eyes got wide, a little smile, then she dove in for more. Getting to witness that “aha!” moment for her taste buds was such a treat!

As adults, we all still have those moments when we whip up a recipe of our own or try out a new restaurant’s signature dish. And in this issue, we are celebrating that love for flavor and how food brings everyone together. It all starts with our cover. A local college artist helped us turn the Hill City skyline into a fun, food-filled wonderland. Hear what it took to make this happen and meet the illustrator on page 24.

Our downtown is thriving with new restaurants popping up so often, it’s hard to keep track. And in the growing communities of Wyndhurst, Cornerstone and Forest, we’re also seeing lots of new locally-owned places to eat. To continue celebrating Lynchburg’s local restaurant scene, get ready for our 6th Annual Lynchburg Restaurant Week, June 10-17. On page 77, browse the mouth-watering menus offered by 23 local restaurants that are participating this year. They have put a lot of thought into creating the perfect meal for you so start planning your stops and try something new.

Another destination that’s really taking off—Route 151 in Nelson County, home to breweries, a distillery and much more. But it’s not just a place for boozing; you’ll also find a lot of great dishes along the way. In our Taste department, food writer Rachel Dalton tells you what she experienced during her “Day on 151.”

Closer to home, a story that combines a love of good (and good-for-you) food with a commitment to serving others. Read about Common Grounds Café,
a mission of Church of the Covenant, on page 113. And we are also sharing some of their favorite breakfast recipes that you can try out at home!
Virginia Woolf hit the nail on the head when she said, “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” Whether you decide to roll up your sleeves and cook a big family dinner or meet friends at the newest restaurant, I hope this issue will re-energize your love for food.
Because you don’t have to be an eight-month-old baby to have an “aha!” moment with your taste buds.


Shelley Basinger, Managing Editor
Shelley@lynchburgmag.comEditor’s Letter May/June 2017


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