Living In a Food Desert – Tricycle Gardens

Tricycle Gardens is a nonprofit organization with a mission to grow healthy food, healthy communities and a healthy local food system. Since breaking ground on

Tricycle Gardens is a nonprofit organization with a mission to grow healthy food, healthy communities and a healthy local food system. Since breaking ground on our first garden, we have engaged thousands of neighbors and shown that the simple act of growing food is an incredibly powerful way to change the overall health of our community.

This work addresses a myriad of challenging issues, and ultimately our mission is about FOOD:

F- Focus on community needs
O- Outreach and education
O- Opportunities for healthy food access
D- Design of beautiful spaces

Tricycle Gardens has done ground breaking work engaging individuals, community centers, non-profits, businesses and the city government to bring a collective effort to restore our urban ecologies and create beautiful public spaces throughout Richmond, Virginia. From hands-on experiential learning to more formal workshops and gardening programs, we are leading the way for a new understanding of how, by working together, we can create a healthier community for all.

By bringing urban agriculture, food skills education and healthy food access to greater Richmond, Tricycle Gardens will improve the environmental landscape and strengthen the ecosystems of the local neighborhoods. Through partnerships with the community, schools, neighborhood youth and their families we are starting a grassroots movement for food security that will transform the health and well-being of our community for future generations.

Support our work and stay in touch by:

1. Volunteering.
2. Following us on Facebook and Twitter.
3. Buying local when you shop at our weekly farmers’ market every Thursday from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM at 31st Street Baptist Church.
4. Supporting our mission and donate now.


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