Living Out Loud Jan/Feb 2020

Idea House Prep BeginsWe are excited to announce that Lynchburg Living is partnering once again with Custom Structures for our next Idea House! The 2020

Idea House Prep Begins
We are excited to announce that Lynchburg Living is partnering once again with Custom Structures for our next Idea House! The 2020 home will be built in Boonsboro. Watch for more details in upcoming issues!

Business Booster
We love spreading the word about new businesses—and we love it even more when our articles help them attract new customers!

Hannah Frazier of Father’s Café and Bakery wrote to us: “We cannot express how grateful we are for the article (July/August 2019). It was so well done and I easily have at least 10 people a week who say the article is what brought them into my shop. Some have even said they never even knew the [Lynchburg] Community Market as a whole was even here—so not only did they discover our bakery but all the other wonderful vendors we share the space with!”

Giving Back Awards
We received so many positive comments about our 2019 Giving Back Awards on November 12. It may go down in the books as our best yet!

“Had a wonderful time last night. Thanks so much for letting us be a part of it all. I did a break on my show today talking about what an honor it is to be counted among so many amazing nonprofits.”
– Mike Weston, The Journey
Find more comments and a full photo recap of the reception/ceremony on page 22!

Santa’s Helpers
The Lynchburg Living team decided to make a group contribution to the local “Be a Santa to a Senior” program in December. With staff donations and a company match, we were able to serve as the “rescue squad” and purchase last minute gifts for 10 local residents.

We want to extend a huge thank you to Home Instead Senior Care for organizing this program every year and making a difference in the lives of local seniors!

We Want To hear From You!
Send us an e-mail to Correspondents must identify themselves; names may be withheld on request. Lynchburg Living may edit or condense.


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