Living Out Loud May/June 2016

Our 2nd annual Top Teachers reception was held on March 5; sponsored by the Lynchburg Nissan, hosted by Timberlake Tavern and catered by Friends Catering,

Our 2nd annual Top Teachers reception was held on March 5; sponsored by the Lynchburg Nissan, hosted by Timberlake Tavern and catered by Friends Catering, the event drew nearly 100 guests to honor the region’s most voted educators. See recap photos on page 48.

Our high school senior scholarship essay winner was also announced at the March 5 event; read Carter Edwards’ winning entry on page 47.

Know an amazing young professional? Nominate them today for the 2nd annual Top 20 Under 40 sponsored by Lynchburg Business magazine, our sister publication. Visit to submit your nomination today.

Several of our Top Teachers had fans share the exciting news on social media; from Facebook, here are a few posts:
“This guy is so modest, I know he wouldn’t post this, so let me do it for him… Congratulations to one of our teachers at Amherst Middle School—Matt Giles! He just received the top teacher award from Lynchburg Living magazine. Not only that, he was ranked number two among all of the teachers in the area! Thank you for sacrificing so much and for putting in all the extra time and effort serving the students of Amherst County!

We couldn’t be more proud of you, sir!” —shared with a video from the reception by Derrick Brown

“Congratulations to Caitlin Unterman ‘12, ‘13 M.A.T., who was voted the top teacher in the greater Lynchburg area by Lynchburg Living readers!” —shared by Randolph College

“So proud of you Tracy Gullion Foster!! One of my English teachers who has furthered my love for the subject!! I appreciate you so much!!” —posted by Rebecca Dickerson

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