Person of Interest: Claire Hansen Sept/Oct 2017

Aspiring Librarian Age: 7 Why did you decide you want to be a librarian when you grow up? Because you get to look at books!

Aspiring Librarian
Age: 7

Why did you decide you want to be a librarian when you grow up?
Because you get to look at books!

Where did you get the idea to create the Little Mimosa Library at your house?
I said that I wanted to be a librarian, then my daddy showed me a little library once downtown.

You had a lot of help from your family, especially your grandfather. How did he help?
My Dan Dan built the library for me.

Have people been using the library so far?
Yes! Pinocchio was the first book checked out.

Why do you think reading is important?
Because it helps you learn about stuff. I love when my daddy and mommy read to me. I love a lot of books like Fancy Nancy, The Hobbit, and books about Narnia.

Check out the newest Little Free Library
in Bedford County, located at the Goode Rescue Squad. Usually using scrap wood and donated materials, the Bedford Rotary Club has helped create five of these across the county over the past two years. The libraries further their goal to support education and a love of reading.


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