The Buzz November/December 2018

Behind the Scenes We never know what the weather will be when scheduling Lynchburg Living photo shoots weeks in advance. Although it was a drizzly

Behind the Scenes

We never know what the weather will be when scheduling Lynchburg Living photo shoots weeks in advance. Although it was a drizzly morning on October 10, the rain held off during our shoot outside of Daughters and Sons Pizza on 5th Street. Arnulfo Jacinto was there putting the finishing touches on his mural.

Jason Arbusto, owner of Daughters and Sons, says they were used to dealing with wet weather. “There would be only a 30 percent chance of rain and Arnulfo would be out there ready to paint. Then the sky would turn grey and it would pour down on him,” Arbusto explains.

According to Goodwin, it started pouring right after Jacinto completed his signature at the bottom of the mural.

Read about the numerous outdoor art projects on 5th Street starting on page 25!


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