
Local stories of incredible life change through fitness and nutrition While the saying “there is no better time than the present” always rings true for

Local stories of incredible life change through fitness and nutrition

While the saying “there is no better time than the present” always rings true for those looking to change their health, the beginning of the year is typically a popular time to jump into (or back into, in some cases) a fitness and nutrition plan. The food-focused holidays have come and gone, and indulgent vacations are likely on pause until spring.

But what does it really take to make a plan and stick with it? How can you make sure this attempt at weight loss isn’t just another botched New Year’s Resolution? We went straight to the experts for help—and we aren’t talking about personal trainers or dietitians (but of course, those are always great people to work with!).

These three inspiring individuals know what it feels like to be at the beginning. Read on to hear their stories.

Maria Carreno
Age: 25
Weight Lost: 80 pounds
Maria’s Story:
“Growing up I was always the ‘big girl.’ Every diet out there, I tried it, but I always gained the weight back a couple of months later.

When I came to this country six years ago, it was a cultural shock for me and I gained even more weight. In 2020, I reached my highest weight of 322 pounds. I was going through the most difficult time of my life. I wasn’t taking care of myself, I was depressed and it showed.

I finally decided that enough was enough. I joined Burn Boot Camp and started using the simple and old key to success: being consistent. Not only was I exercising consistently, but I worked with the personal trainers on my eating habits. I lost over 80 pounds in 18 months and plan to lose more in the coming year.

I learned that no matter where you are at, if you decide to do something and put your mind to it,
you will accomplish it.”

John Hobbs
Age: 30
Weight Lost: 175 pounds
John’s Story:
“Several years ago, I had gained a tremendous amount of weight. I knew it was time to do something when it started interfering with things that I loved to do, such as hunting and racing motorcycles.

I reached out to Tim Wamsley at Kratos Fitness. The entire staff used their knowledge of health and fitness to motivate me to work hard, eat healthy, and stay consistent. Not only did we work hard, but they made it fun and a team effort! The combination of accountability and workouts that were actually enjoyable was key to keeping me consistent. In just over one year I was able to lose 175 pounds!

Since then, I’ve gotten back into hunting and racing and have never felt better. After losing weight, Kratos helped me modify my nutrition and exercise routine to maintain the results and have continued to check up with me to help me through my transition.

I really encourage people that want a life change to work with the staff at Kratos—they understand the struggle and want to help with a change! Thank you Kratos for helping me to not only lose the weight, but to keep it off for four years now!”

Connie Moore
Age: 64
Weight Lost: 48 pounds
Connie’s Story:
“The nurse at my family doctor’s office called me in May 2018 to give me the results of my bloodwork and told me my A1C was now in the pre-diabetes category. When the A1C test was done again one year later in May 2019, I was still in that category.

The nurse told me that there was a YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program I could enroll in which consisted of 25 one-hour sessions over the course of one year, led by a trained lifestyle coach to learn healthy eating and the importance of getting regular physical activity. So, I enrolled and started taking the class in June 2019.

I did not want to go down the path of becoming diabetic so I stayed focused on eating healthier and exercising at the YMCA on a regular schedule. It has been a long 2.5 year journey for me of being consistent and dedicated to becoming a healthier version of myself, and I have met many new friends along the way.

I am very happy to say that when I went to see my family doctor in November 2021 that my A1C bloodwork came back as now being in the ‘normal’ category.”


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