Living Out Loud September/October 2020

Cover Buzz The July/August cover of Lynchburg Living was the most shared to date, particularly because of the familiar faces people saw: “Proud of our

Cover Buzz
The July/August cover of Lynchburg Living was the most shared to date, particularly because of the familiar faces people saw: “Proud of our boy Patrick Hubble for raising the bar and making the cover of Lynchburg Living,” wrote Foulers Scooter Club on Facebook. “OMG,
@globelady (Kim Soerensen) you are too cute!” said Benjamin Cousins on Instagram.

You’re Welcome
“I just wanted to touch base with you and thank you for the page in Lynchburg Living (“Go With Your Gut,” July/August). I saw it late last week and it’s lovely. We appreciate the opportunity to share in depth with the community on such a large scale. Thank you again!” – Angie Chapman, Nature’s Outlet

In our July/August issue, we made an error in the Healthcare Hero article (page 59) about Carl Falls, RN. Falls received his nursing degree from Centra College of Nursing, not Liberty University. He received a psychology degree from LU. We apologize for this mistake.

Idea (Holiday) House
Due to some construction delays, we had to bump our 2020 Idea House to the November/December issue. The good news? It gets to become our annual holiday home! Stay connected on Facebook and Instagram for updates about the Colonial-style house, located on Clayton Avenue in Lynchburg’s Boonsboro neighborhood.

Community Outreach
For the fourth year in a row, Lynchburg Living donated to Meals on Wheels of Greater Lynchburg in connection to our annual Lynchburg Restaurant Week (Aug. 1-8). This year, we pledged 25 percent of our sponsorship proceeds to the nonprofit. In early August, editor Shelley Basinger presented a $250 check to the organization’s executive director, Kris Shabestar.
We also want to extend a special thank you to our 2020 LRW sponsor, Forest Hill Endodontics!

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