The Buzz March/April 2016

Behind-the-Scenes This issue of Lynchburg Living features our annual Hitched! section, brimming with inspiration and ideas. Our photo shoot incorporated some gorgeous gowns from Celebration

This issue of Lynchburg Living features our annual Hitched! section, brimming with inspiration and ideas. Our photo shoot incorporated some gorgeous gowns from Celebration Bridal and was shot by Megan Vaughan at Tresca on 8th. Turn to page 34 to see the full shoot!

Quote Me
“A wonderful college professor told my class, ‘Make sure you remember that you are ultimately teaching students, not just a subject.’ I’ve learned that every student brings a strength to our classroom, and students learn more when they are convinced the teacher knows and believes in their strengths and cares about them individually.” —Tracy Foster, one of this year’s Top Teachers; read about them all starting on page 79.

Despite the snow and cold temperatures we’ve had the last few months, our community stayed busy and found ways to enjoy the winter!

Share what life looks like in the Hill City. Tag your photos on Instagram, and you may see them featured in a future issue! Know of someone or something exciting? Tell us! Send info to


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